First up, it is important that you realise this is not a Frontier event. It is not even run by admins of any player group. This entire project has be built by players. Mostly truckers, but there is involvment too from non-truckers.

What is it all about?
Well, a group of players had a crazy idea of creating some fantastic goodies to give to people in recognition of how they contribute to the enjoyment of the game in others. Instead of just sending them gifts and thanks they thought "How can we do something really special?" .

This brought together people willing to contribute their skills, be-it crafting the prizes, writing materials for the awards, putting together sketches, recording bits and pushing the boundaries for the yet-to-be seen Award ceremony itself.
Everybody involved has funded their part themselves so keep that in mind before you even think about saying a single negative thing.

Why is so and so not listed?
In an attempt to get as many people invovled, the entire process started allowing anybody to nominate anybody for any category with the caveat of if you nominate yourself, it will be ignored. Due to the time needed to create some of the prizes, this ran for as long as we could, and nominations were closed on the 1st December 2019. Nominations had been open for a couple of months prior, with myself coming onboard to create this ere website to try and motivate and push for more nominations in the last few weeks.
To try and add as many people as possible, even the Hutton Helper created nominations in some of the categories.

In order to try and filter out the same old faces, the panel then whittled through the nominations to create a shortlist of 4 from all the people nominated in each category. However they can only work with people nominated. In some cases the categories only had a handful of nominees to pull from resulting in some familiar faces appearing. And sometimes the nominations for an individual were so overwhelming they could not be ignored (#CH - you know who you are!)

If you think somebody is missing, then next time make sure you nominate them. If you think you are missing, then get better friends who will nominate you next time.
Just remember by even thinking you should be shortlisted, what you are implying is that you are better than one of the 4 people that the players behind this event spent days deliberating over.

Again, I need to stress this is not anything offficial, it is just a group of players who wanted to do something special and have the skills between them to produce this in all its awesomeness. Have you seen the prize haul??
If you have a problem with this, close the page and go do something else. It's a beautiful kind thing people are doing here and if you have a negative opinion on it, as your granny might tell you 'Your bottom is out the window'.